Exploring Riyadh’s Diplomatic Quarters has always been an interesting thing to do. DQ is home to different embassies and other international organizations. It has plazas with varieties of restaurants and cafes where you can dine and chill. Its superb architecture and designs will surely amaze anyone who sees it. It also has well-maintained and beautifully-landscaped gardens and parks for everyone to enjoy. DQ is also ideally surrounded by walking trails where you can hike and jog to keep you in shape.

Just recently I discovered that there are 17 gardens and parks inside this gated community. I was browsing for a hiking and strolling place in Riyadh when this blog, ‘Explore! Riyadh’, popped up. It has a detailed list of all the parks in DQ and its locations. These parks and gardens piqued my curiosity. I was keen to discover and explore it myself. The weather is just perfect for a long walk with a little help from Google maps.

1. Al Aarudh Garden

Al Arudh Garden is one of the largest parks. It has playgrounds, fountains, mosque and vast lawn for picnic. The lush green surrounding and the chirping birds were such a tranquil experience. Another thing that I love most about this park is that it’s like a cat haven. I gave it a nickname, the Cat Garden. During my visit, I was greeted by almost 20 cats of all colors and sizes. I had so much fun taking pictures while these friendly felines walk around my legs. I could see that these fur babies were also taken care of with water and food.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/xGQ3oH9PAdz


2. Hajer Garden

Hajer Garden is also known as Rock Park. To easily locate the park, look for the two towers that watch over it. It’s called the Rock Park because it is artistically designed with rocks structures. Like all other parks in DQ, it also has washroom, playgrounds and fountains.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/31gFBVJHCmn


3. Al Khozama Garden

The abundance of bougainvillea flowers made this park the most colorful of all the parks that I’ ve visited. It has gazebos and an interconnected falls and fountain channels that flow down on main fountain located at the center of the park. At the back end of the park is an amazing view of the wadi. Khozama Garden is a nice place to start hiking and see some seashells along the way.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/M9H4G7Xdvk42


4. Al Akhooan Garden

This is a small park with nice fountain on the entrance.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/qvUREiGq5LE2


5. Al Ghatha Garden

This park is also situated along the wadi and an ideal place for hiking. What set it apart from others are its impressive garden arches which separate play areas and seating areas.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/N3RNYmK7JJL2


6. Tuwaiq Garden

Here’s another great place for picnic or just relaxing on the shady palm trees while kids can play on its spacious play areas. It has lovely fountains and mosque. Its washroom has a mirror and a western style toilet.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/ZT5m8h725LG2


7. The Public Park

This is the largest of all the parks in DQ. When I went here, I was looking for a sign or a gate or a wall like all the other parks but I couldn’t find any. I even thought that I was lost. It’s an extensive open area with lots of date trees. The birds singing and frogs croaking create serene environment. It has a pond where you will see different species of birds resting, you can also see salamander. It’s also a perfect place to walk a dog. It’s surely a wonderful place but it’s a public area so there are no toilets, no play area, no fountains and no green lawn. To locate the area, you have two options: from Tuwaiq Palace, you can follow the walking track going down or go the way to Equestrian Club.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/a3aM6bGPW6N2


8. Assarh Garden

This is a small shady park with tennis court and playground. There’s no toilet in here. It is a good starting point for hiking. What’s so interesting about this park is the places that you can explore if you go a little further. From here, you can hear and see the cars going to Aruba Road.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/phEsymK1XKo


9. Al Yamamah Garden

This is another scenic park with spacious picnic area, shady trees and a lot of date trees. It has a mosque, wide play area, washrooms and a tennis court. On the other side is a fountain area where you can just sit on the bench and relax (it’s under maintenance during my visit).
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/WLd7eLgR9K32


10. Annafel Garden

This is another interesting park. It has gazeebos and landscape on the entrance. It also has the western style washroom with mirror. It’s a perfect hiking place with an awesome view of Wadi Laban, date farms and the suspension bridge. It was a captivating experience watching the sunset in Nafal Garden. It has long walking track which will lead you to another park.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/HuGjZxZZbeF2


11. Assidr Park

If you continue exploring the walking track from Nafal Garden, you will arrive on this small, shady garden.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/BiA6DZxZ3dp


12. Arrayhaan Garden

Arrayhaan is a small park with play areas. It’s also an ideal place to start hiking. I was really surprised to spot foxes while hiking on this area. I felt mix emotions seeing these cute animals…I was happy to see them wandering freely. I also felt nervous that they might attack me so I was hiding a stick behind me. The big fox was aloof and hides from people while the smaller one was just looking at me from a far distance.                                📍https://goo.gl/maps/66JUJRqYTcT2


13. Al Athel Garden

This is another small park with toilet, play areas and walking trail.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/271Eg956qV42


14. Attaleh Garden

This is a lovely garden with fountain, toilets, picnic and play area. Colorful bougainvillea and yellow flowers in bloom gave this park a unique vibrant atmosphere and fragrant breeze. It is also a great starting point for hiking.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/skRD7WhgJX22


15. Asheeh Garden

As you go on exploring this little, palm- covered park, you will be amazed by the awesome rock design leading to another walking trail with magnificent views.
📍 https://goo.gl/maps/qN7bwUePXJA2


16. Al Arrar Garden

It is another quiet, peaceful park where you can start strolling.


17. Assabaa Garden

This spacious park is another great place to relax. It’s restful and has some really nice views of the city and the wadi. It also offers an amazing walking trail.

sba2sba3While exploring Diplomatic Quarter’s gardens and trails, you will come across some peculiar sights and wonderful views of the city which add more fun and thrill to your journey. Every park is a new discovery and has amazing, unique things to offer.kzm6sdr20181214_152303~220181130_113740~2




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